Guidelines for Completing the RADIUS Benchmarking Survey
- Completion Timeframe: There is no defined timeframe by which institutions must complete the survey modules. Once we receive the competed survey, it will take approximately one week to analyze the results and provide data on the portal. At that time, we will notify you.
- Data Timeframe: RADIUS focuses on a single fiscal year of data at a time. We ask that participants provide data for the most recently completed fiscal year, regardless of the specific start and end dates of your fiscal year. If “good data” is not available for your most recently closed fiscal year, you can submit information for the fiscal year with the most complete, accurate data set.
- Survey Completion: A survey will only be considered complete and included in the final analysis when the “Finished” button on the last page of the survey is clicked. If multiple versions of a given module are submitted by a single institution, utilizing the same Institutional Code, our team will follow-up with your institution regarding the correct version for consideration in the analysis.
- Partial Survey Completion: Participation in this survey is voluntary, and no single survey question response (aside from the Institutional Identification page) is required of participants. However, responding to each survey question will help your institution achieve a more comprehensive picture of its internal operations and is highly encouraged. If the question does not apply to your institution, the information is not readily available or unknown, or if you prefer not to respond to a given question, please leave the response field blank.
- Degree of Confidence: We recognize that some of the survey questions represent complicated calculations or coordination. We ask that you respond to all survey questions to which you have a reasonably high degree of confidence in your response. In there cases, if your institution has a high degree of confidence in an estimated value, please respond to these questions with your estimate. However, if you do not feel confident that an accurate estimate is even possible, please let the response field blank.
- Survey Feedback: We welcome feedback on all elements of the survey, including content, delivery, output and communications! Each survey module concludes by asking for feedback and input on that module. In addition, you are also welcome to provide us direct feedback by e-mailing us at
Getting Started
- Institutional Code Requirement: In order to access any survey module, you must enter a valid Institutional Code and password. Your password is the same number as your Institutional Code. The initial RADIUS Benchmarking Survey participation email contains your institution-specific Institutional Code, and this code should be entered into both the Institutional Code and password fields when prompted to enter the survey.
- Obtaining an Intuitional Code: If your institution is already participating in the survey and you did not receive a code from your institution’s primary survey contact, you may request it You may also use this email address to request an Institutional Code if your university is not yet participating in the survey and would like to participate.
- Institutional Identification: Your response to the initial survey questions on the first page of each survey module, the Institution Identification page (contact information for the survey module’s primary point of contact), is mandatory. Please provide the name, title and institutional email address for the individual primarily responsible for completing the survey module. If we have any questions related to your survey responses, this is the individual we will contact.
- Saving the Survey: The system will automatically save your responses as you progress through the survey. However, you must click the “Save and Exit” button at the end of the page in order for the data entered up through that page to be saved. If you exit the survey prior to completion, you will be prompted to provide an email address. A new link back to the partially completed content will be sent to the email address provided upon exit.
- Returning to the Survey: Please use this email link to return to complete the remaining questions at a later time, as opposed to initiating a new set of responses and starting the survey from the beginning.
- Data Format: It is not necessary to enter dollar ($) signs, commas, decimals, or percent (%) signs when providing values.
- FTE Calculations: A Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff member is approximated to perform 1,800 work hours per year (i.e. 40 hours per week, 45 weeks per year). When providing information regarding internal FTEs, please do not include consultants or external contractors in FTE counts unless they were filling a vacant permanent position on a full-time basis.
- Printing the Survey Questions: A blank copy of the survey questions is available for easy printing via the link to the right.
- Printing your Completed Survey: Once you have completed a survey module and clicked “Finish,” the system will ask if you would like to view your responses. Click Yes to receive a printable version of your institution’s completed survey module.
Should you have questions or need additional assistance at any time, please email: or contact survey administrator Marisa Zuskar at 312-880-3393.